Dry Skin

Dry Skin

Dry Skin can cause discomfort and affect the overall appearance of the skin, resulting in flakiness, tightness and itching. Dry skin can affect anyone, regardless of age, and can be caused by multiple factors such as genetics, environmental exposure to harsh weather conditions that strip the skin of its natural oils, insufficient moisturising, damage to the skin’s natural barrier and stress. Individuals with dry skin may also experience increased sensitivity to cosmetic products, leading to possible skin infections, stinging, burning and excessive itching, causing further discomfort.

Sebamed soap-free and alkali-free products are dermatologically tested and specially designed to address the needs of dry skin. Sebamed products are formulated to support the skin’s microbiome balance and the skin barrier with a pH of 5.5, which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and reducing both the discomfort and appearance of dry skin.

*Please note that all sebamed products can safely be used if you suffer with dry skin, however, it is dermatologically recommended to use the products listed below as a supportive therapy for dry skin to help manage symptoms.